saya,saya n saya

saya,saya n saya
somethin ab0ut me::: i'm special,i'm talkable,i'm care ab0ut u,i'm l0veable,i'm single,i'm avaiable..s0,be my f0ll0wers!!

sYG kam0o sume..tenkiuu be my foll0wer!!

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

misss u la..

luahkn perasaan lak smalm..ceh,msg smpi 2 3 muke srt..haha..abes kdt,die sweet..,,huh,yg plg terkezutt,,ex die pregnant but,bkn ank die la..n bru ggur smalm..huuhu..dasyat gler weyhh..h0pefully yg ak xtermsk dlm g0l0ngan 0wg cmtuh.,,huhuu..miss u la mmberku yg tersygg..xtaw npe winduu awkk.,,tp,sy sndrik p0n xtaw perasaan sy kt wk..huhuhu..
wk,sjukk la td time jupe ngn awkk,,awk tuh,ckp tep0n lak,,terase taww..:(,xpe awk da ceriakn mmg ske knekn awk..sbb awk bel0n..yg  xthn nye,,ley lak mak ngintaii,pnye tk0t ank die ni uat pe..haha..xde la m0m,xuat pe2 p0n..just jupe 4 the 1st time je..hehe..abg2 ikm kt sblh tu cm cipanzii..bising gler pastu dan2 d0k lua..hahaha..beng0ng nk mampus,,,
huuuu..finally,dpt gk mam c0klat cadbury,black f0rest,,,huhuhu,,,sdp gle..thanks m0m!!luv u s0 much!!<3<3<3
wk,,epi sgt taww arini,dpt gk jupe awk,even dpn uma.,huhu,,syggg awk!!!:P